
My adventures as I learn about the 50 States!

Massachusetts: Facts & Fun

on November 8, 2011
Massachusetts is in New England and a lot of American history started there. We read about the first Thanskgiving, Paul Revere’s ride and more!

Facts about Massachusetts:

  • Capital: Boston
  • Nickname: The Bay State
  • Statehood: February 6, 1788 (7th)
  • Motto: By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.
  • Bird: Chickadee
  • Highest Point: Mt. Greylock

Children’s Books by Massachusetts authors that we read:

  • Theodor Seuss Geisel (best known as Dr. Seuss) is from Massachusetts. We read a lot of Dr. Seuss books. I love, “And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street,” “Green Eggs and Ham,” and “The Cat in the Hat.”
  • M is for Mayflower by Margot Theis Raven. This is a Massachusetts alphabet book that tells about the many things Massachusetts is known for including the first Thanksgiving, Paul Revere, and Boston Baked Beans.
  • Curious George Books by H.A. Rey. Curious George is one of my favorite children’s book characters and the books were written by Massachusetts author H.A. Rey. George is a little monkey who gets into a lot of trouble because he always wants to explore.
  • Peter Cottontail by Thornton Burgess. This is a classic story about the Easter Bunny.

Fun things I learned about Massachusetts:

  • Basketball was invented in Massachusetts.
  • President John F. Kennedy was from Massachusetts.
  • The plastic pink lawn flamingo was invented in Massachusetts (and I learned to draw the flamingo).
  • Emily Dickinson, the poet, was from Massachusetts and we read many of her poems.

Dunkin’ Donuts Breakfast:

Mom let me do an “easy meal” for Massachusetts as she just had my baby sister a few weeks ago. When I asked friends from Massachusetts about their state’s foods, they all mentioned chowder (which I made earlier) and Dunkin’ Donuts! So, we went to Dunkin’ Donuts for Breakfast and I enjoyed a Boston Creme donut. It was delicious, but I still like Lamar’s (Kansas City donuts) better.

Dunkin' Donuts!

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